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Writer's pictureJon White

Improving Legacy Code

Updated: Jul 18

Improving Legacy Code


Legacy code, while often a testament to a company's history and growth, can also hinder progress. As technology evolves and business needs change, improving legacy code presents numerous challenges. In this blog, we'll explore these challenges, highlight common pitfalls to avoid, offer practical tips to ensure successful improvements to legacy systems, and provide examples of tools that can help the process.

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Understanding the Challenges

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One of the primary challenges of improving legacy code is the complexity of the existing system. Legacy codebases are often undocumented, with logic and dependencies intertwined in a way that can be difficult to unravel. Making targeted improvements becomes daunting without a clear understanding of the codebase's structure and functionality. Additionally, legacy systems may lack proper version control and testing procedures, further complicating implementing changes without introducing unintended consequences.

The Risk of Unintended Consequences

One of the most critical considerations when improving legacy code is the risk of unintended consequences. Changing one part of the codebase can have ripple effects throughout the system, potentially introducing bugs, regressions, or performance issues. Without thorough testing and validation procedures, these unintended consequences may go unnoticed until they manifest in production, leading to costly downtime or user-facing issues. Mitigating this risk requires comprehensive testing strategies, including unit, integration, and end-to-end tests, to ensure that changes are thoroughly vetted before deployment.

Common Pitfalls When Trying To Improve Legacy Code

1. Underestimating the Scope of Work

One of the most common pitfalls when improving legacy code is underestimating the scope of work involved. Legacy systems are often more complex and interconnected than they appear at first glance, with layers of technical debt and undocumented functionality lurking beneath them. As a result, what initially seems like a straightforward improvement can quickly spiral into a massive undertaking, requiring significant time, resources, and expertise to complete. Failing to assess the scope of work properly can lead to missed deadlines, budget overruns, and frustration among stakeholders.

2. Lack of Proper Testing and Validation

Another common pitfall when improving legacy code is a lack of proper testing and validation procedures. Legacy systems often lack comprehensive test coverage, making it challenging to verify the impact of changes and detect regressions. Without thorough testing, improvements may introduce new bugs or unintended consequences, leading to system instability and user dissatisfaction. The absence of validation processes can result in changes being deployed to production without proper scrutiny, increasing the risk of disruptions and downtime. 

3. Neglecting to Involve Stakeholders

Improving legacy code is not just a technical endeavor - it also involves stakeholders from across the organization. However, a common pitfall is neglecting to involve stakeholders in the improvement process, leading to misaligning priorities and expectations. When stakeholders are left out of the loop, they may feel blindsided by changes or unaware of the impact on their workflows and responsibilities. This can result in resistance to change, delays in implementation, and, ultimately, project failure.

4. Failure to Address Technical Debt

One of the most insidious pitfalls when improving legacy code is the failure to address underlying technical debt. Technical debt refers to the accumulated shortcuts, workarounds, and suboptimal design decisions that accrue over time as developers prioritize short-term goals over long-term maintainability. Left unchecked, technical debt can impede progress, increase maintenance costs, and hinder innovation. However, many improvement initiatives focus solely on adding new features or functionality without addressing the root causes of technical debt. This approach can exacerbate existing problems and create new ones, perpetuating a cycle of inefficiency and frustration. 

5. Overlooking Documentation and Knowledge Transfer

Improving legacy code is not just about writing better code—it's also about ensuring that knowledge is transferred effectively to future maintainers. However, a common pitfall is overlooking documentation and knowledge transfer during improvement efforts. Legacy systems are often poorly documented, with critical insights and tribal knowledge residing in the heads of long-time developers. When these developers leave the organization or move on to other projects, their knowledge goes with them, leaving behind a void that can be difficult to fill. This lack of documentation and knowledge transfer can impede future development efforts and make onboarding challenging for new team members.

6. Neglecting Outdated Libraries or Software Versions

The Failure To Address Outdated Libraries Or Software Versions Can Impede Progress,
Hinder Innovation, And Compromise The Overall Health And Stability Of The Codebase

One common pitfall that developers often encounter is the presence of outdated libraries or software versions. While these dependencies may have served their purpose at the time of implementation, they can become a source of significant challenges and limitations as technology evolves. The failure to address outdated libraries or software versions can impede progress, hinder innovation, and compromise the overall health and stability of the codebase.

Security Vulnerabilities: The pitfall of outdated dependencies arises from several factors. Firstly, outdated libraries or software versions may contain security vulnerabilities that expose the system to potential threats and breaches. Hackers are constantly searching for vulnerabilities in popular libraries and software, and outdated versions are prime targets for exploitation. Therefore, neglecting to update these dependencies can leave the system vulnerable to cyberattacks, data breaches, and other security incidents, posing significant risks to the organization and its stakeholders.

Bug Fixes, Performance Improvements & Compatibility Updates: Outdated libraries or software versions may lack critical bug fixes, performance improvements, and compatibility updates provided in newer releases. Developers release updates and patches as technology evolves to address issues, enhance functionality, and ensure compatibility with the latest hardware and software environments. However, if the codebase relies on outdated dependencies, it may miss out on these crucial updates, resulting in suboptimal performance, reduced reliability, and increased technical debt.

Support & Documentation: Another common pitfall of outdated dependencies is the lack of support and documentation. As libraries and software versions become obsolete, vendors and maintainers may discontinue support, cease development, or remove documentation and resources from their websites. This can make it challenging for developers to obtain assistance, guidance, or troubleshooting information when encountering issues or bugs in the codebase. Developers may resort to trial and error or makeshift solutions without proper support and documentation, leading to inefficiency, frustration, and reduced productivity.

Knowledge Sharing: Outdated dependencies can hinder collaboration and knowledge sharing within development teams. New team members may struggle to understand the rationale behind using outdated libraries or software versions, leading to confusion and disengagement. Additionally, developers may be reluctant to work on legacy code that relies on outdated dependencies, preferring to focus on more modern and maintainable projects. This lack of collaboration and engagement can exacerbate the challenges of improving legacy code, slowing progress, and hindering innovation.

Tips for Successful Improvements

Invest In Comprehensive Code Analysis And Documentation To
Deeply Understand The System's Structure And Dependencies

Despite the challenges associated with improving legacy code, several strategies can help increase the likelihood of success. Firstly, invest in comprehensive code analysis and documentation to deeply understand the system's structure and dependencies. This will provide a solid foundation for planning and executing improvements in a targeted and efficient manner. Additionally, prioritize improvements based on business value and risk, focusing on areas of the codebase that are most critical to the organization's success and most prone to technical debt.

1. Conduct Comprehensive Code Analysis and Documentation

Before embarking on any improvement efforts, it's crucial to understand the existing codebase thoroughly. Conduct a comprehensive code analysis to identify areas of complexity, duplication, and technical debt. Document the system's architecture, dependencies, and business logic to create a reference point for future improvements. This documentation serves as a roadmap for developers and stakeholders, guiding decision-making and prioritization throughout the improvement process. By investing time upfront in code analysis and documentation, you can lay a solid foundation for successful improvements and mitigate the risk of unintended consequences down the line.

2. Prioritize Improvements Based on Business Value and Risk

Not all parts of the legacy codebase are created equal. When planning improvements, prioritize areas that offer the most significant business value and pose the highest risk to the organization. Focus on critical functionality, performance bottlenecks, and areas prone to bugs or security vulnerabilities. By aligning improvement efforts with business objectives and risk management priorities, you can maximize the impact of your investment and ensure that improvements are targeted where they are needed most. This strategic approach enables you to allocate resources effectively and demonstrate tangible outcomes to stakeholders.

3. Take an Incremental Approach to Refactoring and Modernization

Attempting to refactor or modernize the entire codebase in one go is a recipe for disaster. Instead, break the task into smaller, manageable chunks and take an incremental approach. Identify modular components or subsystems that can be refactored or modernized independently without disrupting the system's functionality. You can gradually improve the codebase by tackling one piece at a time while minimizing the risk of introducing regressions or downtime. This iterative approach allows you to validate improvements incrementally, gather feedback, and course-correct as needed, ensuring a smoother and more controlled transition.

Allocate time and resources to pay down technical debt incrementally, addressing the most critical issues first and gradually improving the overall health and maintainability of the codebase.

4. Establish Clear Goals and Milestones

Establish clear goals and milestones from the outset to keep improvement efforts on track and maintain momentum. Define what success looks like for each improvement initiative, including specific metrics and KPIs to measure progress and impact. Break larger initiatives into smaller, achievable milestones, and set deadlines for each process stage. Setting clear expectations and holding teams accountable for delivering results ensures that improvement efforts remain focused and aligned with organizational objectives. Regularly review progress against goals and milestones, adjusting plans to stay on course.

5. Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Improving legacy code is not a one-time project but an ongoing process. Foster a culture of continuous improvement within your organization, where developers are encouraged to proactively identify and address technical debt. Empower teams to allocate time for refactoring and modernization alongside regular development work, recognizing that investing in the long-term health of the codebase pays dividends over time. By making continuous improvement a part of your company's DNA, you can ensure that your codebase remains resilient, adaptable, and future-proof.

6. Invest in Automated Testing and Quality Assurance

As you improve legacy code, maintaining code quality and stability is paramount. Invest in automated testing and quality assurance processes to validate changes and detect regressions early in the development lifecycle. Implement unit, integration, and end-to-end tests to cover critical functionality and edge cases, ensuring that improvements do not inadvertently introduce bugs or performance issues. Integrate continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines into your development workflow to automate testing and deployment processes, streamlining the delivery of improvements to production. By prioritizing quality and reliability, you can minimize the risk of disruption and deliver a seamless user experience.

7. Involve Stakeholders and Seek Feedback

Improvement efforts should not happen in isolation but involve stakeholders from across the organization. Engage developers, QA engineers, product managers, and business analysts in the planning and execution, soliciting their input and feedback at every stage. By involving stakeholders early and often, you can ensure that improvement efforts are aligned with business needs and user requirements. Create opportunities for regular check-ins, demos, and retrospectives to gather feedback, address concerns, and make course corrections as needed. 

You can build consensus and drive shared ownership of improvement initiatives by fostering open communication and collaboration.

8. Mitigate Risk with Rollback Plans and Contingency Strategies

Despite careful planning and testing, there is always a risk of unforeseen issues arising during the implementation of improvements. Mitigate this risk by developing rollback plans and contingency strategies to address potential setbacks or failures. Define criteria for when to trigger a rollback, such as a significant increase in error rates or user complaints, and outline the steps required to revert to a previous state. Additionally, have contingency plans in place to address common failure scenarios, such as database migrations or third-party service outages. By preparing for the worst-case scenario, you can minimize the impact of disruptions and maintain business continuity during improvement efforts.

9. Invest in Developer Training and Support

Improving legacy code often requires specialized skills and knowledge. Invest in developer training and support programs to equip your team with the tools and techniques to tackle complex refactoring and modernization tasks. Provide access to resources such as online courses, workshops, and mentorship programs to help developers develop their skills and stay up-to-date with best practices in software engineering. Additionally, foster a culture of knowledge sharing and collaboration, where experienced developers can mentor junior team members and share their expertise across the organization. By investing in your team's professional development, you can build a capable and empowered workforce capable of driving successful improvements to legacy code.

Prioritize documentation and knowledge transfer as part of the improvement process. Capture critical insights, design decisions, and implementation details in written form, and ensure that documentation is kept up-to-date as the system evolves. Invest in training and mentorship programs to transfer knowledge from experienced developers to newcomers, fostering a culture of continuous learning and collaboration.

10. Address Outdated Software Libraries/Versions

Several considerations must be considered when upgrading outdated libraries or software versions in legacy code. Firstly, assess the impact of the upgrades on the existing codebase and functionality. Upgrading a library or software version may introduce breaking changes or require modifying existing code to maintain compatibility. Therefore, thorough testing and validation procedures are necessary to ensure the upgraded components integrate seamlessly with the rest of the system and not disrupt existing workflows or user experiences.

Upgrading outdated libraries or software versions often requires careful planning and coordination. Depending on the size and complexity of the codebase, upgrading may involve significant time, resources, and coordination among development teams. It may also necessitate changes to infrastructure, deployment processes, and third-party integrations. Therefore, establishing clear goals, milestones, and communication channels ensures the upgrade process proceeds smoothly and efficiently.

Another consideration when upgrading outdated libraries or software versions is the availability of support and documentation. Older versions of libraries or software may no longer be supported by the vendor, making it challenging to obtain assistance or guidance in case of issues. Therefore, it's advisable to choose libraries and software versions that are actively maintained and supported by the community or vendor, ensuring ongoing access to updates, patches, and technical support.

Upgrading outdated libraries or software versions presents an opportunity to modernize and future-proof the codebase. By leveraging the latest features, performance improvements, and security enhancements offered by newer versions, developers can enhance the system's resilience, scalability, and maintainability. Additionally, upgrading allows organizations to stay aligned with industry best practices and standards, reducing technical debt and minimizing the risk of obsolescence in the long run.

Helpful Tools For Improving Legacy Code

Code Analysis Tools Provide Actionable Insights To Guide Refactoring & Optimization
Efforts By Identifying Areas Of Complexity, Duplication, & Technical Debt

1. Code Analysis Tools

Code analysis tools such as static code analyzers and linters can be invaluable when improving legacy code. These tools analyze the codebase for potential issues, including syntax errors, code smells, and performance bottlenecks. Code analysis tools provide developers with actionable insights to guide refactoring and optimization efforts by identifying areas of complexity, duplication, and technical debt. Code analysis tools can enforce coding standards and best practices, ensuring consistency and maintainability across the codebase. By leveraging code analysis tools, developers can better understand the codebase and make informed decisions to improve its quality and reliability.

2. Version Control Systems

Version control systems (VCS) such as Git, Subversion, and Mercurial are important tools for managing changes to legacy code. VCS allows developers to track revisions, collaborate on code changes, and roll back to previous versions if needed. When improving legacy code, version control systems provide a safety net, allowing developers to experiment with refactoring and modernization efforts without fear of losing progress. VCS facilitates collaboration among team members, enabling seamless integration of improvements and coordination of development efforts. By using version control systems, developers can maintain a clear audit trail of changes and ensure the integrity and stability of the codebase throughout the improvement process.

3. Automated Testing Frameworks

Automated testing frameworks such as JUnit, Selenium, and PyTest are indispensable tools for validating changes to legacy code. Automated tests enable developers to verify the codebase's functionality, performance, and reliability quickly and efficiently. By automating repetitive testing tasks, automated testing frameworks help developers catch bugs and regressions early in the development lifecycle, reducing the risk of introducing issues during improvement efforts. Automated tests serve as a safety net, providing confidence that changes to the codebase do not inadvertently break existing functionality. By incorporating automated testing frameworks into the improvement process, developers can streamline testing workflows and ensure the stability and quality of the codebase.

4. Dependency Management Tools

Dependency management tools such as Maven, Gradle, and npm help manage dependencies and libraries in legacy code. These tools automate downloading, installing, and updating dependencies, ensuring the codebase remains up-to-date and compatible with external libraries and frameworks. When improving legacy code, dependency management tools simplify the task of upgrading outdated libraries or software versions, reducing manual effort and minimizing the risk of errors. Dependency management tools provide mechanisms for resolving conflicts, tracking dependencies, and enforcing version constraints, ensuring the codebase remains stable and consistent. By leveraging dependency management tools, developers can streamline the maintenance and modernization of legacy code, enabling faster and more efficient improvement efforts.

5. Code Refactoring Tools

Code refactoring tools such as IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, and ReSharper can accelerate the process of improving legacy code by automating repetitive refactoring tasks. These tools offer a range of refactorings, including extract method, rename variable, and inline function, to help developers clean up and simplify the codebase. By automating refactorings, code refactoring tools reduce the risk of introducing errors and ensure that improvements are applied consistently throughout the codebase. Code refactoring tools provide real-time feedback and suggestions to developers, helping them identify opportunities for improvement and maintain code quality and readability. By integrating code refactoring tools into their workflow, developers can speed up the improvement process and focus their efforts on higher-level refactoring tasks.


With Careful Planning, Diligence, And Collaboration, Improvements To Legacy Code
Can Pave The Way For Innovation, Growth, And Continued Success

Making improvements to legacy code is a challenging but necessary process for organizations seeking to adapt and thrive. By understanding the challenges associated with legacy code, prioritizing improvements based on business value and risk, and employing strategies such as incremental refactoring and effective communication, companies can overcome obstacles and unlock the full potential of their existing systems.

Outdated libraries or software versions are a common challenge when improving legacy code. Upgrading these dependencies ensures the system's security, reliability, and adaptability. However, upgrading requires careful planning, testing, and coordination to minimize disruption and maximize the benefits of modernization.

Leveraging a comprehensive set of tools can significantly enhance the process of improving legacy code. Code analysis tools offer insights into the codebase's structure and quality, guiding refactoring efforts and identifying areas for optimization. Version control systems provide a reliable framework for managing changes, enabling collaboration among team members, and ensuring the integrity of the codebase throughout the improvement process. Automated testing frameworks streamline validation efforts, catching bugs and regressions early to maintain stability and reliability. Dependency management tools simplify managing external dependencies, facilitating the upgrade of outdated libraries and software versions. Finally, code refactoring tools automate repetitive refactoring tasks, accelerating the cleanup and modernization of legacy code. By harnessing the power of these tools, developers can streamline workflows, reduce manual effort, and drive meaningful improvements to legacy code, ultimately ensuring its longevity, maintainability, and adaptability in the face of evolving business requirements and technological landscapes.

With careful planning, diligence, and collaboration, improvements to legacy code can pave the way for innovation, growth, and continued success.

About The Author

Jon White is an experienced technology leader with over 34 years of international experience in the software industry, having worked in the UK, Malaysia, Bulgaria, and Estonia. He holds a BSc (Hons) in Systems Design. He led the Skype for Windows development teams for many years (with 280 million monthly connected users), playing a key role in the team's transition to Agile.

Jon has held multiple leadership positions throughout his career across various sectors, including loyalty management, internet telecoms (Skype), IT service management, real estate, and banking/financial services.

Jon is recognized for his expertise in Agile software development, particularly helping organizations transform to Agile ways of working (especially Scrum), and is a specialist in technical due diligence. He is also an experienced mentor, coach, and onboarding specialist.

Over the last few years, he has completed over a hundred due diligence and assessment projects for clients, including private equity, portfolio companies, and technology companies, spanning multiple sectors. Contact Jon at


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